Friday 15 March 2013

Ukele - hee - hoo

Another lovely birthday present I received this year was this ukelele! I had joked to my friend Patricia that I needed a new party trick, and perhaps I should learn the ukelele ? And there it was all wrapped up for me, ready for that evenings disco ball filled fun. 

I've been trying to pick up a few tunes, and luckily there are a lot of how-to videos on Youtube! However it does not come very naturally to me, anyone have any tips?

Sunday 3 March 2013

Pictures and Text

One of my favourite presents this year was this lovely Juergen Teller book. I went to his exhibition the day after my birthday - and coincidentally was given this book that evening! I picked out a few of my favourites above - the Viv Westwood one makes me giggle I couldn't not include it! I really love his pictures, the light and just the way he photographs, as well as the subjects in them.